When You Reply to Spam… This Happens [VIDEO]

Jason Veitch
Jason Veitch reflects on his journey through spam-land.

We have all been schooled to ignore spam email. Don’t open it. Don’t click the attachments. Never reply to it. It will only bring you trouble.  We all accept that as fact. But….

Are there not those rare occasions when you really want to reply to a spam email, just to see what happens next? That Nigerian prince, with his millions of dollars, has chosen you as the only trusted party on earth who can help him rightfully liberate that wealth from his country’s grasp! The temptation to find out what happens next, after you say, “Sure! Sign me Up!”, is almost over-powering.

Well, TED Talks has taken care of that for you. In this video, James Veitch, reflects upon his long-running encounter with a spammer. It’s hilarious!
