Statement by Commissioner Fried as Governor Concedes State Can’t Punish Local School Boards


Aug 12, 2021

Tallahassee, Fla. — Today, Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried offered the following statement in response to the news that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has backed off his threats to take funding away from local school boards that refuse to comply with his executive order outlawing mask requirements in schools:

“Today’s news is an example of what we can accomplish if we all come together to stand up for what’s right. To every school superintendent, teacher, parent, and student who spoke out against this unconstitutional and dangerous executive order: thank you. I will always stand with you. Our voices have made a difference today, and Florida’s kids will be better for it.

“Unfortunately, this executive order has already done immeasurable damage. It has created unnecessary chaos in schools and has led to fear and anxiety for families across Florida. Countless children and teachers have already been exposed to COVID. It didn’t have to be this way. Not following through on threats to local educators is the absolute bare minimum. Florida’s leaders should be doing everything possible to protect our children and communities from this virus. We should be proactively encouraging simple and proven solutions to stop the spread of COVID – like getting vaccinated and wearing a mask – not playing politics with people’s lives.”