Rep. Gwen Graham – Beekeeper Video

May 3, 2016

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today Representative Gwen Graham released a new beekeeping Workday video, in which she revealed a family secret: her father, former Senator and Governor Bob Graham, is afraid of bees.

Rep. Graham learned of her father’s fear while on her North Florida Farm Tour in January. On the tour, she met Florida Agriculture Hall of Fame beekeeper Laurence Cutts, who told Rep. Graham he had invited her father on a Workday with him decades ago – but he wasn’t able to make it. Rep. Graham promised to make it up to Mr. Cutts, and on her Workday she fulfilled that promise.

“I’m incredibly proud to represent our state’s beekeepers and farmers as one of just two Floridians on the House Agriculture Committee,” Rep. Graham said. “Food doesn’t just appear on our dining room tables or grocery store shelves. It takes a lot of hard work to produce everything we eat. Vital to many of those foods are bees – which thanks to North Florida beekeepers are thriving this year. On my Workday, I saw firsthand how hard our beekeepers and farmers work, and I’m dedicated to working hard for them in Congress.”