Nikki Fried on State Investigation into Florida Department of Education (Jefferson County)

Jan 25, 2022

Tallahassee, Fla. – Today, on the news that Florida Chief Inspector General Melinda Miguel is investigating concerns related to the Florida Department of Education and its handling of contract bids for the Jefferson County School District, Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried released the following statement:

“I’m glad that the Governor’s office finally heard the calls from myself and others to act on the concerns of corruption at the Florida Department of Education and its contract bidding process in Jefferson County. I can only hope any misdoings are corrected immediately so the students, faculty, and community receive the quality education they are owed, and that any corruption is rooted out to prevent future harm. Holding people accountable shouldn’t depend on power or politics – and that certainly should be the case when it comes to the Commissioner of Education who is responsible for millions of Florida students and teachers.”