Graham on Senate TrumpCare: “Same Sick Stuff, Different Bill”


TALLAHASSEE, Fla — Gwen Graham is criticizing the Senate’s version of TrumpCare, saying it’s the “Same sick stuff. Different bill.”

“TrumpCare boils down to one thing: Republicans are cutting health care for working families and the middle class to pay for billionaire tax cuts and insurance company giveaways,” Graham said. “The Senate’s secret drafting of TrumpCare represents everything the American people — Republicans and Democrats — hate: backroom deals for special interests. Despite what Trump says, the DC swamp is thriving, with more snakes and deadly threats than the Everglades.” 

After the GOP’s American Health Care Act passed the House, Graham personally called Senator Marco Rubio’s office to voice her opposition to the bill. Today, she repeated her call for him to oppose the legislation. Her campaign has heard from thousands of people demanding Rubio vote against TrumpCare.

“Thousands of people have signed our campaign’s petition calling on Senator Rubio to oppose TrumpCare. We still have work to do to strengthen health care in Florida, but we haven’t given up hope. We will continue to fight to save Obamacare and protections for pre-existing conditions, Medicaid expansion, and lower costs. Health care is a human right and insurance companies should not have the power to decide who lives or dies.”

In Congress, Gwen voted to defend the Affordable Care Act against the GOP’s repeated attempts to repeal the legislation and she fought to protect coverage for those with pre-existing conditions and to prevent insurance companies from discriminating against women.

At the Florida Democratic Party’s recent Leadership Blue conference, Graham said she would fight for a public option that would allow all Floridians to purchase the same insurance state employees and politicians receive. Her campaign will release a full plan with details on the progressive policy in the coming weeks.