Graham Makes Surprise Mother’s Day Visit to Afghanistan


May 5, 2016

Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representative Gwen Graham joined a bipartisan congressional delegation visit to Afghanistan to meet with deployed mothers in uniform and Afghan women fighting for equal rights and working to rebuild their country.

“It’s difficult for anyone in our military to leave their family and serve overseas – and it can be especially hard on mothers serving in warzones,” Rep. Graham said. “It was an honor for me to meet with these brave mothers serving in Afghanistan. They deserve our respect, admiration and support.”

The congressional delegation hosted a Mother’s Day luncheon where they discussed the challenges faced by deployed mothers and they delivered handmade Mother’s Day cards to troops. In addition to meeting United States Military moms, Rep. Graham also met with women serving in the Afghan Armed Forces and with Rula Ghani, the first lady of Afghanistan.

“Women’s rights are human rights. We’ve seen Hillary Clinton and Laura Bush both lead on this issue, because it doesn’t matter if you’re a Republican or Democrat – we all must stand up for oppressed women around the world,” Rep. Graham said. “The Afghan women I met, including the first lady, are risking their lives to fight for a society where their daughters and granddaughters will have equal rights. I stand in solidarity with them and will do everything I can in Congress to support their fight.”

Rep. Graham was in Afghanistan for two days, and joined on the visit by Representatives Martha McSally (R-AZ), Susan Davis (D-CA), and Congresswoman Martha Roby (R-AL).