Florida Health and Partners Roll Out State Health Improvement Plan and Seeks Feedback for State Health Assessment Report


By Florida Department of Health, Office of Communications

April 11, 2018

Tallahassee, Fla. — The Florida Department of Health and its diverse partners on the State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP) Steering Committee have completed the comprehensive SHIP, which is a five-year plan that includes strategic interventions designed to make a positive impact on the health of all Floridians. Steering Committee partners include leadership from state and local government, health care providers, business leaders, universities and schools, non-profit groups, and others.

“As a department, we are committed to working with other state agencies and partners from across all sectors to determine how we can address the most pressing health concerns Floridians face,” said State Surgeon General and Secretary Dr. Celeste Philip. “I am confident that these vital partnerships will create progress in the areas of concern we identified in the SHIP and will allow for measurable improvements in the health, well-being and economic outcome of communities across Florida.”

The SHIP recommendations are based on the findings of the State Health Assessment, which was completed in September 2017. Public health leaders and subject matter experts conducted four assessments using the Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnership (MAPP) strategic planning model. Taken together, the four assessments create a comprehensive view of health and quality of life in Florida.

Using the State Health Assessment, the department and partners identified the following state health priorities:

  • Health equity;
  • Maternal and child health;
  • Immunizations;
  • Injury, safety and violence;
  • Healthy weight, nutrition and physical activity;
  • Behavioral health, including mental health and substance abuse;
  • STDs and other infectious diseases, including influenza; and
  • Chronic disease prevention and conditions, including tobacco-related illnesses and cancer.

Work groups assigned to each priority area will continue to meet quarterly through 2021 to monitor progress and recommend any enhancements to the SHIP, which will be revised annually to ensure effectiveness.

Paul Rowley, representative from the Florida American Indian Health Advisory Council said, “Improving health outcomes for racial and ethnic minorities remains a pressing issue in Florida. The SHIP’s integrated health equity focus aims to strengthen the continuing and collaborative work to bridge any gaps and eliminate health disparities.”

Tony Carvajal, Executive Vice President of the Florida Chamber Foundation said, “Quality of life and health have a direct impact on economic outcomes, and the State Health Improvement Plan provides an opportunity for business leaders and community partners to have a stake in ensuring that Florida remains a competitive, prosperous and sustainable place to live, work, learn, play and run a business.”

Robin Safley, Executive Director of Feeding Florida, said, “The SHIP takes a comprehensive approach to solving some of the most pressing health concerns in Florida. By addressing the underlying causes that contribute to poor health outcomes instead of treating the symptoms, we can build stronger, healthier communities.”

To read the State Health Improvement Plan and provide feedback to the State Health Assessment, please visit the Florida SHIP web page.