Florida Department of Corrections Honors Fallen Officers and Staff


Florida Department of Corrections Honors Fallen Officers and Staff

Memorial Memorial

CRAWFORDVILLE, Fla. – Today, Secretary Julies Jones and Department Leadership honored fallen correctional officers and employees during the annual wreath laying ceremony at Wakulla Correctional Institution.

Secretary Julie Jones said, “On this solemn day, we take time to remember and honor the members of our Department who have fallen while protecting Florida’s communities. This year, we honor Sergeant Thomas Crosby. It is never easy to add a name to this wall, but here our fallen officers are memorialized eternally. We are forever grateful for their service.”

Sergeant Thomas Crosby, Florida State Prison, had more than 13 years of service with the Department when he passed away on duty from natural causes. Sergeant Crosby will join the names engraved on the Fallen Officer Memorial.