FDC Remains Committed to Public Safety During Halloween


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Every year, Florida Department of Corrections’ (FDC) probation officers partner with state and local law enforcement agencies to ensure sex offenders under felony supervision do not partake in any Halloween-related activities, per their court ordered conditions.

Secretary Mark S. Inch said, “Prior to and during Halloween, our Community Corrections probation officers ensure that offenders who have court-ordered conditions prohibiting it are told not to participate in any Halloween-related activities. Our officers partner with local law enforcement agencies to ensure compliance standards are met and we commend them on their efforts to keep Florida communities safe.”

Throughout the week surrounding Halloween, FDC probation officers make personal contact with sex offenders under FDC supervision and conduct surveillance initiatives such as residential searches, unannounced visits, covert monitoring of physical activity and location tracking. Special emphasis is also placed on areas such as motels and temporary housing areas where sex offenders live.

Sex offenders are expected to strictly abide by holiday-specific restrictions which include:

  • Do not give out candy or other treats.
  • Turn off porch lights; close blinds.
  • No outside decorations to attract children.
  • Do not answer the door to trick-or-treaters.
  • Do not dress in costumes or masks.
  • Do not attend Halloween parties where children are present.

Offenders who are found to be in non-compliance with the terms of their supervision will be subject to violation of their probation and immediate arrest.

If a member of the public suspects an offender may be in violation of their court-ordered conditions of supervision, they should contact local law enforcement immediately.