Commissioner Fried Again Requests Cabinet Discussion of COVID-19, Revenue, Wildfires, More

Jun 9, 2020

Tallahassee, Fla. – Yesterday, Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried, an independently-elected member of the Florida Cabinet, again requested that the Governor place the following items on the agenda for the June 16, 2020 Cabinet meeting:

  • Update on wildfire conditions across Florida and the recently-signed $380 million federal timber block grant
  • Update on food distribution efforts, given high unemployment contributing to chronic hunger for 3 million Floridians facing food insecurity
  • Update from the Department of Revenue on Florida’s financial situation, given $2 billion in lost state revenue since March
  • Update from the Office of Financial Regulation on Florida’s financial situation
  • Discussion on appointment of a Chief Judge to the Division of Administrative Hearings, which is not currently lawfully filled
  • Discussion of the state’s response to COVID-19 and data integrity and update from the Surgeon General

A copy of the request loads below:

Fried Requests 6-16-20 Cabinet Agenda

Commissioner Fried had previously requested that these items appear on the May 28, 2020 Cabinet meeting agenda, but the Governor’s office declined to acknowledge or fulfill these requests. Commissioner Fried and the media have been critical of the Governor’s efforts to keep the Cabinet “in the dark” instead of governing jointly as the state’s Constitution requires.