Attorney General Bondi Files Action to Stop Debt Relief Scam


TALLAHASSEE, Fla.—Attorney General Pam Bondi’s Office filed legal action to stop an alleged student loan relieve scam. According to the complaint, Strategic Student Solutions LLC and the owner Dave Green induced consumers to use the company’s phony student loan debt relief services by falsely claiming to be able to assist in substantially reducing or complete forgiveness of student loan debt. Strategic allegedly bilked these unsuspecting consumers out of thousands of dollars.

“This scheme targeted people working hard to pay off the debt they incurred trying to further their education by falsely promising to reduce or even eliminate their student loan debt,” said Attorney General Bondi. “With this action, my office is seeking restitution for those victims who lost hundreds or even thousands of dollars.”

Strategic allegedly misled consumers into believing that they would be enrolled in loan forgiveness or payment reduction programs and that payments made by consumers to Strategic would be applied towards satisfying or eliminating the consumers’ student loan balances. However, according to the complaint, consumers soon learned that Strategic failed to make payments to consumers’ lenders as promised; that their lenders had neither any knowledge of nor any business relationship with Strategic; that Strategic had no special relationship with the Federal Department of Education or any other government agency; and that the same services that Strategic offered to consumers for a fee were in reality available to consumers free of charge.
Strategic maintained places of business in Boca Raton, Delray Beach and Lake Worth, but offered debt management services to consumers throughout Florida and the United States.

Attorney General Bondi’s Office received more than 200 complaints regarding Stragetic’s debt services scheme. The attorney general is seeking permanent injunctive relief, full restitution, the imposition of civil penalties, an award of attorney’s fees and other equitable relief. The complaint Attorney General Bondi’s Office filed alleges violation of Florida’s Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practice Act. To view complaint, click here.